Buffalo to Brooklyn to Boulder (written with the help of ChatGPT)

Buffalo to Brooklyn to Boulder (written with the help of ChatGPT)

Hi friend! Can you please correct the grammar & flow of this blog post for my handmade artisan jewelry website? "I didn't mean to live in cities that only start with the letter B, but it makes for an easy story to tell. These three cities - where I grew up, where I spent my 20's, and the next chapter in my life (in respective order) mean so much to me. They each shaped me and I learned so much in each city. Even though I've only been in Boulder for a little over a year, it has been so healing and I've experienced such a nice welcoming from the Boulder arts community here. I can't wait to see what this next chapter brings!"

Certainly! Here's your edited blog post:

Living in cities that all start with the letter B wasn't a deliberate choice, but it does make for a neat narrative. These three cities hold significant places in my heart - one where I spent my formative years, another where I embarked on my journey through my twenties, and now, Boulder, where I'm beginning the next chapter of my life. Each city has contributed to my growth in profound ways, teaching me invaluable lessons along the way.

Despite having called Boulder home for just over a year, the sense of healing I've experienced here has been profound. The warm embrace of the Boulder arts community has made this transition incredibly welcoming. I'm eager to see what adventures await in this new chapter of my life!

Me: Ok thank you for this!

ChatGPT: You're welcome! If you need any more help or further edits, feel free to ask. Good luck with your artisan jewelry website.

Me to my sister who is with me in person as I edit this blog post: "How am I unable to give feedback to a robot? I don't think this is very good but I'm scared to tell ChatGPT that I don't like it. What is wrong with me?!" This sparked a conversation about how (obviously) I shouldn't be scared to ask ChatGPT to rewrite something, but also it's probably nice to stay on the polite side for robots." My sister constructively asked me what was wrong with it and I said it wasn't as cool sounding as I was hoping (yes I recognize I didn't ask GPT to edit it to sound cool nor did I define what I thought was cool unless "correct the grammar" is unanimously accepted as cool (doubtful)). 

My brother in law suggested I ask it to re-write it as if I graduated in 2020. I gave it a try. 

Me: Is there any chance you could please re-write it to sound like I'm a Gen Z?


Absolutely! Here's the rewritten version with a Gen Z tone:

So, living in cities that all start with the letter B wasn't exactly planned, but it makes for a pretty cool story, right? These three cities hold major vibes for me - one's where I grew up, another where I hustled through my twenties, and now, Boulder, where I'm diving into the next phase of my life. Each spot has taught me heaps and shaped me in its own way.

Even though I've only been vibing in Boulder for a bit over a year, it's been such a chill and healing experience. The Boulder arts scene? Total gem. It's been nothing but love and support from them. Stoked to see what's next in this journey! 🌟

Me: Thanks! 


And there it is, my first blog post. 



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